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MH-MBA-CET 2011: An Analysis || IBPS Clerical CWE admissions are ON.

MH-CET 2011: An Analysis & Cutoffs

What are the Cutoffs for CET-2011??? Manoj unveils the CET-2011 right away!!!

There is a common misconception that CET is the easiest among all management entrance tests. That would probably be laid to rest after what CET 2011 had to dish out. Packed with difficult questions (some even reminiscent of CAT), an unexpected paper pattern and many Reading Comprehension and Logical Puzzles, CET 2011 took the difficulty level several notches higher after the easy paper and high cut-offs of CET 2010.
The salient features of this paper were
  1. 30% of the questions were based on Logical Caselets and Reading Comprehension.
  2. Data Interpretation and number series were difficult and time consuming.
  3. Vocabulary and grammar questions were easy.
  4. Verbal reasoning questions were easy but the different pattern would take a bit of getting used to.
  5. Visual reasoning was on the difficult side.
  6. Other logic questions and math questions were easier
  7. The number of questions per set was uneven instead of five questions per set.

  • Logical Reasoning:
    Common question types like Inequalities and Decision making were absent, and were replaced by logical puzzles. Coding decoding was the easiest set and input output was more time consuming than difficult. Logical deductions or syllogisms were easy this year with two questions based on each set of three statements. Apart from this, there were some very easy questions on odd man out in a logic set. However, the rest of the reasoning section was quite difficult and time consuming.
    A different feature of this exam was the number of questions based on Logical Caselets or Puzzles. The puzzle on eight members of a family seated around a circular table was particularly difficult and time consuming. What made the puzzle difficult was the added element of the person sitting facing towards the centre or outwards. The puzzle based on linear arrangement of cars facing each other was also difficult, and there were a total of 15 questions based on these two sets.
    Three other sets based on number of floors, days of the week and another one based on circular arrangement were of moderate difficulty, but would take some time to crack. The one based on height was the only easy set.
    The 31 marks based on logical puzzles was the crucial section in this year’s paper. Most students would have attempted this section expecting it to be easy. But at least two of the sets were very difficult and had the potential of sinking a lot of time and damaging the student’s chances on the test.
    Sr. No.Type of questionsNo. of Qns
    1Coding & Decoding6
    2Logical Deductions (Syllogism)6
    3Sequential Output Tracing6
    4Direction Senses2
    5Word formation from selected letters1
    6Odd Man Out2
    7Analogy: Words1
    8Logical Puzzles31
    - Circular Arrangement-I8
    - Circular Arrangement-II5
    - Analytical Puzzles (7 people owning 7 floors and 6 Business Houses)2
    - Analytical Puzzles (Five people going for industrial visit in a week)6
    - Analytical Puzzles (Linear Arrangement- Car Parking)7
    - Analytical Puzzles (Linear Arrangement- Height of Students)3

  • Verbal reasoning:
    Like last year, Critical reasoning questions like weaken/ strengthen the argument were present. A new form of question was presented in which a small paragraph or a sentence was given followed by five statements, among which the cause, assumption or inference, effect and course of action had to be identified. While the critical reasoning questions were difficult, the other 15 questions were actually quite straightforward and could be done fast once the format was understood.
    Sr. No.Type of questionsNo. of Qns
    1Critical Reasoning5
    2Assumptions, Causes and Effects etc. based on a Para 15

  • Visual reasoning:
    This section saw a mix of easy and difficult questions. The sets were based on Analogy, Series, Odd man out and one where you had to identify which option was not an analogy. While not as easy as last year’s, this section did offer some easy pickings.
    Sr. No.Type of questionsNo. of Qns
    2Series completion- one figure missing out of the five.5
    3Series completion- the sixth figure which will continue the series.10
    4Dissimilar pair with the master figure5

  • Quantitative aptitude and Data interpretation:
    The usual sets on probability, speed math and calculation based questions were absent. The set of Data Comparison was very easy, and the data sufficiency set was of moderate difficulty. So were the Math questions interspersed throughout the paper, which included a question each on probability, profit and loss, ratio, and some questions on geometry. The number series set was very difficult and the Data Interpretation questions were calculation intensive and quite time consuming.
    Sr. No.Type of questionsNo. of Qns
    1Data Interpretations20
    2Quant Comparison 5
    3Number Series5
    4Data Sufficiency5
    5Math Questions15
    - Numbers and HCF2
    - 'P'&'C'1
    - Geometry & Mensuration7
    - Arithmetic Progression1
    - Equations & Ages2
    - Partnerships1
    - Simple Interest1

  • Verbal Ability:
    Many question types like idioms, Para-Jumbles and Sentence completion were absent. The grammar set and Cloze Test were quite straightforward and could be done very quickly. There were three questions on inserting the sentence in a passage which was of moderate difficulty. What made this section difficult was the predominance of reading comprehension questions.
    There were four RCs based on topics like Indirect taxes and Trade practices, Construction of new cities, and Universal Mobile Charger. A different type of passage was the one based on the scores of Indian students in the quantitative section of the GMAT; it was divided into two parts- View and Counterview. The number of vocabulary questions based on the passage decreased. While the questions were not very difficult, at least two of the passages were not easy to read and comprehend and the one based on view and counterview was very lengthy. This section would have been a major reason for fewer attempts by many students.
    Sr. No.Type of questionsNo. of Qns
    - Universal Mobile Charger5
    - GMAT View-CounterView10
    - Indirect Taxes/ Trade Practices5
    - Delhi Mumbai industrial Corridor New urban cities8
    2Vocab (RC Based)4
    4Sentence Insertion3
    5Para Completion10

Summary: The paper was lengthier and more difficult than the one last year and this combined with the unexpected pattern of questions would mean that very few students would have attempted over 180. However, the accuracy would be high on this paper as even the verbal reasoning questions were straightforward. An attempt of over 155 can be considered as good and a score of more than 140 should give a good chance of getting in the top 4 institutes.

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